Friday, February 15, 2008

School is in Session for President's Day

Well, looks like we'll have to make up for snow days! School will be in session Monday, February 18th.

Also, don't forget that the Character Ed word of the month is courtesy. If you are not familiar with the Character Ed program, just check out the website. The Character Ed program helps the community become aware and promote words of character each month. Such words include:

  • January -- Attitude
  • February -- Courtesy
  • March -- Self-Discipline
  • April -- Trustworthy
  • May -- Dependable
  • June -- Cooperation
  • July --Integrity
  • August -- Accountable
  • September -- Respect
  • October -- Responsible
  • November --Caring
  • December -- Honesty

Don't forget to show courtesy to someone this week!

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