Saturday, February 16, 2008

Peer-to-Peer Youth Conference

I am making an announcement about a Youth Conference coming up soon which is sponsored by Community Partnership. It's called Peer-To-Peer Youth Conference, and it will be at Marshfield High School on Saturday, March 8 from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. The conference provides excellent workshops for students (grades 8-12) and parents throughout the day about life relevant topics such as:
  • Stereotyping

  • Stress Management

  • Bullying

  • Job Opportunities

  • And many more topics

If you are interested, please checkout the website at I encourage you to check it out because it is a great opportunity to become informed about interesting topics involving students, parents, teachers, and school systems. You can also register and choose the workshops you are interested in on the website. The website should also have directions to Marshfield High School.

If you have anymore questions about the conference, I will be happy to answer you or find out more information. Just leave me a comment or e-mail at

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